SEA LIFE ...... AND ..

the Sea is a place God knows how many thousands of species of creatures. fish, shrimp, crab, oysters = shellfish, turtles, jellyfish and thousands of jellyfish = sea biotas also has yet to be ascertained the number and type.
they live the same life of the sea. 80 percent of the territory of the unity INDONESIA is the sea. very familiar to our ears when listening to an elementary school child menumandangkan My Ancestors sailor songs. The nickname of this country is vested yangterdiri of a combination of two words NUSA and BETWEEN that means country consisting of many islands separated by sea. NOWADAYS many of our islands are claimed by other nations, then some already nearly sold out or have been sold there is whether this nation ????

they live the same life of the sea. 80 percent of the territory of the unity INDONESIA is the sea. very familiar to our ears when listening to an elementary school child menumandangkan My Ancestors sailor songs. The nickname of this country is vested yangterdiri of a combination of two words NUSA and BETWEEN that means country consisting of many islands separated by sea. NOWADAYS many of our islands are claimed by other nations, then some already nearly sold out or have been sold there is whether this nation ????
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