Boat Explosion at Sea, 10 Fisherman Critical
BANDA ACEH - One unit of a motor boat (boat) fishing in the waters exploded Simeulu, Aceh. As a result of the incident, approximately 10 fishermen critical.
According to Commander Laot (Leader Institute Custom of the Sea) in Aceh, Teuku Bustamam, boats that sail from Sawang, South Aceh carrying 19 fishermen. The incident occurred on Monday, December 27 kemarin./12/2010).
"When I was in the middle of the sea, suddenly the engine roared and sounded very loud voice. The entire body on fire boat, "he told Legal in Banda Aceh, on Tuesday (12/28/2010).
When the boat exploded, a number of fishermen slammed into the sea. Luckily, there is a motor boat owned by another fisherman who happened to pass through, and then save them to successfully brought to the mainland.
The victim immediately rushed to General Hospital Yulidin Away in Tapaktuan, South Aceh. Victim critical of them, Balawi (30), Gilani (25), Safruddin (30), and Musfirwan.
Bustamam said the victims all citizens of South Aceh. Some victims will be referred to the Zainal AbidinHospital, Banda Aceh , because the burn is severe.
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