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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Fishing Report news update

Fishing Report news update:
Local lakes: Anglers are still catching rainbow trout at Empire Lakes and Saunders Lake. Most of these fish are being caught on power bait or nightcrawlers. One angler reported catching a 3-pound rainbow on a nickel-finished Little Cleo. A few winter steelhead have been entering Tenmile Lakes via Tenmile Creek. Anglers trolling Tenmile Lakes have a chance of landing wild coho, winter steelhead or rainbow trout at this time of year. Tenmile Lakes is open for the retention of adipose fin-clipped steelhead year-round.

Local rivers: Fall Chinook fishing should continue to be good on the Elk and Sixes rivers. Anglers will want to pay attention to the river levels and catch these rivers as they drop into shape after each rain event. Chinook salmon fishing on the Sixes River closes Dec. 31, but remains open on Elk River through March. Anglers have been landing some nice winter steelhead on the Elk and Sixes. Look for more steelhead to enter these rivers toward the end of the month.

A few steelhead were caught last weekend on the Coquille River near the town of Coquille. The best way to fish this part of the river is by plunking. Plunking is a simple method of casting a weighted bait or lure and letting the river current control the action. During high water, plunking near the shoreline is effective because steelhead will hug the shoreline to avoid faster-moving water. Winter steelhead also have been caught at Laverne Park on the North Fork Coquille, and on the South Fork near Powers. Most anglers fishing the forks of the Coquille are drifting salmon roe or sand shrimp.

Steelhead fishing in the Coos basin has been decent recently. New bright fish should be moving into the river systems with each rain, and fishing should continue to get better in the next couple of months. Steelhead have been caught recently on the East Fork Millicoma, West Fork Millicoma and the South Coos River.

Pacific Ocean: Big waves and strong winds are the rule this time of year, but anglers who keep an eye on the ocean can find days when wind and wave abate enough to allow a little bottom fishing, which can be very productive at this time of year. Divers and shore anglers may find success fishing for ling cod, since they’ve started their winter migration into shallow water to spawn.

Area shellfish: Looks like recent rains have pushed most of the crab out of the bay in Bandon. The few people who tried Weber’s Pier last weekend caught nothing but small crab. Boaters crabbing in Coos Bay are still reporting good limits of hard-shelled Dungeness crab. Crabbers on the Charleston piers are catching an occasional Dungeness crab and quite a few red rock crab. (Tony Roszkowski has owned and operated Port O’ Call �” �” on the Bandon waterfront since 1989. Many South Coast anglers rely on his fish and shellfish reports. Hear more from Tony on ‘Oregon Outdoors’ Thursdays on KWRO 630 AM.)


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