coming up Black Lake sturgeon fishing
Like last year, everyone who wants to take part in one of Michigan's most unusual fishing seasons can do it. The fishing/spearing season on Black Lake in northern Lower Michigan begins Feb. 5.
The season ends on Feb. 9 or when a yet-to-be-determined harvest quota is reached. If the quota is reached, DNR personnel will notify anglers on the ice, who must stop sturgeon fishing immediately.
Anglers must register daily, and those 17 years of age or older must have a fishing license. All must have a sturgeon tag, available free from license vendors. Anglers will also be issued a daily flag at registration that must be displayed at their shanty door. Spearing hours are 8 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Sturgeon taken must immediately be tagged and registered at the DNR Onaway Field Office, where biologists or technicians will examine internal organs and remove a piece of fin tissue for DNA analysis.
For quota status during the season, call the Onaway Field Office at 989-733-8775 during business hours, or the Gaylord Field Office at 989-732-3541 after 6 p.m.
MUCC: Moose law good for conservation
Michigan United Conservation Clubs Executive Director Erin McDonough said in a news release that a new law providing for moose hunting in Michigan will add to the state's unique and diverse hunting experiences, and aid conservation of the Upper Peninsula's moose herd.
The law authorizes the Natural Resource Commission to set a science-based, limited moose hunting season. Created by legislation introduced by former State Sen. Jason Allen (R-Traverse City), it was the last piece of legislation signed by former Governor Jennifer Granholm.
According to the DNR Wildlife Division, Michigan's current 500-moose mainland population lives in the UP, 80 percent in the western UP. DNR biologists, reported MUCC, said Michigan could hold a hunt with 12 to 15 licenses each year without harming the sustainable population.
The bill also calls for a seven-member Moose Hunting Advisory Council to research and make recommendations to improve moose hunting seasons after the first year.
Kirtland's warblers again beat recovery goal
Michigan's population of the endangered Kirtland's warbler remains steady, according to the annual survey conducted by the DNR and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. And that's well above recover targets.
Biologists, researchers and volunteers in Michigan observed 1,733 singing males during last year's survey. The population has not shifted by more than 5 percent since 2007. Ogemaw County led in the count this year, with 552 singing males, followed by Crawford County with 288 and Oscoda County with 256.
Warblers are detected by listening for their songs, audible from a quarter-mile away. Only males sing, so officials double the count of singers for a population estimate.
"The recovery goal for Kirtland's warblers is 1,000 singing males, and the population has stabilized at nearly twice that number," said DNR Endangered Species Coordinator Chris Hoving in a news release, adding that removal from state and federal endangered species appears likely.
Compiled and edited for the Daily News by Steve GriffinRead More ...
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