Fishing licences are a great deal for fishing sport
Last month, I sent in my money to renew my fishing and hunting licenses for the next three years.
Actually, I did it over the phone, for the first time ever, and was pleasantly surprised how easy it was. The total bill for these permits was just under $160, of which about $30 allows me to fish for the upcoming year. Only $30 to permit me to fish every day of the year if I wish, in any of the hundreds of thousands of lakes, rivers and streams in this big, beautiful province, and to keep a full daily limit of dozens of different species of sportfish.
I will definitely never complain about not getting full value for my money when it comes to fishing licenses, especially since I know that every dollar from my license fee goes right back into protecting and enhancing the natural resources of my province.
All hunting and fishing license fees go into what is called 'a special purpose account.' The only places where this money can be spent are related to fish and wildlife. This money pays for things like fish hatcheries, conservation officers, CFWIP programs, biologists, fish and wildlife studies, etc. It cannot be used for health care, paving roads or sending my MPP to a sunny location for a fact-finding mission.
I am extremely proud that the hunting and fishing community I am part of pays its own way.
This year, sport fishermen are expected to contribute about $40 million in license fees toward fish and wildlife programs. Compare this to the $900,000 in royalty fees from all of the commercial fishermen in the province.
Since you are reading this, you already are a believer that fishermen pay their own way.
Take pride in your sense of responsibility.
Al Wilkins is the president of the Lake Huron Fishing Club.Read More ...
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