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Sunday, January 16, 2011

Grant means at Pleasant Hill fishing festival 2011

Grant means at Pleasant Hill fishing festival

The North Central Ohio Boating Council and the Mansfield Power Squadron have received a Safe Boating Education Grant from the Division of Watercraft to conduct the 2011 Safe Boating and Fishing Festival on June 11 at Pleasant Hill Lake Park.

This will be the sixth year for the festival, which provides safety demonstrations, pontoon boat rides, sailboat and kayak rides free to the public. In addition, the Division of Wildlife will have a free fishing area for children in a freshly stocked area of the lake. The Mansfield Power Squadron will provide vessel safety checks to boaters on Pleasant Hill Lake, and there will be door prizes donated by local merchants and free life jackets to the first 100 children.

The MWCD will allow free admission to the park for the festival and the Mansfield Noon Optimist Club volunteers will help, too.

# The Ohio Sea Grant Twine Line is always filled with interesting and useful information about Lake Erie. Now it will be available online at The latest issue includes articles from how researchers study invasive fish impacts in Lake Erie to showcasing the gem and how Lake Erie could turn the North Coast into an attractive region.
It is well worth reading.

# The Division of Watercraft is now accepting applications for the position of watercraft officer cadet until Jan. 21. The DOW will hire up to 24 officer cadets who will undergo a rigorous application process. It is expected to take up to 11 months to complete. Those selected for the cadet positions will begin their 18-week training in early 2012 to become certified Ohio Peace Officers. To review all applicant requirements and file an application, go online to

# Any adult, group, or conservation club who has a sincere interest in taking kids fishing should consider becoming a certified Passport to Fishing Instructor. A Passport certification course is being offered on Monday, Feb. 7 at the Wildlife District One Office at 1500 Dublin Road, Columbus, Ohio 43215. The one-day instructor training program will qualify individuals to become certified fishing instructors, similar to a hunter education instructor.

This workshop is free of charge and will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Participants should pack a lunch. To register for the workshop, call 1-800-WILDLIFE.

# The New Mexico Game Commission decided earlier this month to allow more bears and cougars to be hunted next year, despite the concerns of conservationists who are worried that higher kill limits will devastate those populations.

The rules have been the subject of more than a dozen contentious public meetings attended by sportsmen, landowners and conservationists. The commission proposes to raise the number of cougars that could be killed to 996 and the bear limit by about two thirds to 686.

# A fire can be a useful item, especially when hunting or fishing on a cold, wet, or snowy day. But ordinary matches can be hard to light and burn out quickly. Industrial Revolution has a new Stormproof Match Kit with 25 matches, 3 strikers, and a waterproof container that weighs less than one ounce.

The matches have a 15-second burn time and are so water resistant that they will remain lit even when submerged. For more information visit www.asylumpr.comRead More ...


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