Koi Fish Secrets Discover
After many years of raising pond fish, I discovered the Koi. I never thought that I would enjoy them as much as I do today. At times it can be very frustrating trying to keep your pond clean and keep your fish from devouring all the plants you have placed in your pond. Over the years I have learned many secrets and I want to tell you about them.
First I discovered how to keep my Koi pond crystal clear by not using any chemicals but by listening to other experienced pond owners. Pond filtration can not be over emphasized, that is why I tried many different filter systems and none of them ever seemed to work. And if they did work, it did not seem long that I was cleaning the filter again. I have tried all the pressure, the gravity, the underwater, and so on filters.
What I am going to tell you might shock you or it may not; a very good Koi fish secret is alfalfa, yes I said alfalfa! Yes, this is the same feed that we give livestock animals. Nobody really knows why it works but believes me it does. Together with a staged filter, it does keep your water crystal clear almost good enough to drink but I will pass. I run a bigger pump than most people because I want a good even flow to my staged filter box. My first stage I have brushes similar chimney cleaning type which will catch the big residue. In my next stage I have a back to back screen filter similar to your furnace filter which stops all the algae particles from entering back into the pond.
Ok, are you ready for another secret? The next stage is "lava rock" that captures fine particles and helps with the biological good guys, the same as my last stage of plastic media cubes which basically do the same. So where do I put the alfalfa? I buy it in balls that are tied up about the size of a large softball. I put one in the pond and I place one inside my filter just where the return water enters. So there you have it, two Koi fish secrets to keeping your pond clear.
Do predators bother your fish, or maybe a Blue Herron is stealing your fish before you wake up in the morning? I have a simple secret that has even helped my neighbor who has a pond over 150 feet from mine, in fact I can not even see his pond from mine. I bought a device that spits one cup of water on any prey that come near my pond. It is just called a Spitter and it is activated by a sensor similar to what you may have on your house to turn on security lights. Not only does it keep the predators away, it also waters your lawn, in a small area. This has got to be one of the best Koi fish secrets of all time.
We all learn from each other, so I invite you to leave your comments at my website.
Discover secrets you need to know about how you can create and maintain your own stunningly beautiful Koi fish pond with lively and healthy Koi, even if you have never owned fish before. Sign up for our free mini-course at my website. Taking Care of Koi Fish
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