New Fishing Limits
Ice fisherman are pulling in perch on lakes across KELOLAND, but this year's harvest is smaller.
It's not that there are fewer fish, but new rules have lowered the limits for perch and panfish in South Dakota waters.
David Olson drilled a couple of holes on Beaver Lake near Humboldt.
"I used to catch a lot of crappies here. We had a year where it froze out," Olson said.
The perch had been biting here recently, but today it's a little slow.
"We got a little movement, we got a minnow moving, maybe something is down there scaring it," Olson said.
With no fish on the ice, Olson says the new fifteen fish limit for perch isn't likely to affect him, at least not today
"Generally, a guy doesn't have to worry about catching 25 fish. Fifteen is more realistic and even then, if you catch 15, you had a good day," Olson said.
Olson like the new limits on perch and panfish. He says it's a simple matter of sharing our resources and says there's another benefit; it simplifies fishing limits for everyone.
"It used to be ten on some northern lakes. Ten perch and panfish and it was 25 other places, so you had to watch where you were at, what you were doing. At least now it's all the same. It's 15 perch and you don't have to worry about where you're at , what you caught on what lake. You got a 15 perch limit, so I think it's a good deal," Olson said.
Olson also likes the fact that the Game, Fish and Park Department took input from fishermen before putting the new rules in place.
"I called the Game, Fish and Parks before, talked to them and they listened to me. That's one of the nice things about living in a small state."
There's another new rule for ice fisherman. This year, ice shacks in South Dakota need to be off the rivers and lakes by the last day of February.
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