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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Outdoors stuff to ponder for 2011 fishing tour

Outdoors stuff to ponder for 2011 fishing tour

Past year was good, but not perfect.

Say goodbye to 2010, which was a pretty darn good one for most Michiana sportsmen.

It was a season of big walleyes, heavy antlered deer, and good bluegill action. Lake Michigan trout and salmon fishing was spectacular at times and the spring turkey hunt was pretty darn good on both sides of the state line. It wasn't a perfect year, though. The St. Joseph River steelhead run was miserable (again) and bass fishing was less than spectacular for most of us.

And, as always, there were some political issues that popped up throughout the year that left a sour taste in sportsmen's mouths.
So, as we look ahead into a new year, here are some seasonal leftovers to ponder as we head into 2011:
Will the deer regulation changes that the Indiana DNR will propose later this month affect seasons, bag limits, license fees or all of the above?
Can Hoosier deer hunters be convinced to kill enough antlerless deer to lower the herd in troublesome areas?
Will Indiana wildlife managers finally admit that the continued increase in trophy buck kills is due to the one-buck rule that so many hunters embrace?

Will the EHD disease that killed several deer last fall in northern Indiana and southwest Michigan come back this year?
What has happened to the St. Joseph River's Skamania?
Can the coho stocking program Indiana is implementing for the St. Joe this year help fill the void created by poor steelhead runs?
Will we get enough precipitation to bring river and lake water levels back to normal?
Can the larger walleyes stocked in the St. Joseph two years ago meet angler expectations of more keepers and bigger fish this year and next?
Will someone break the Indiana walleye record in Lake Michigan this year?

When the new 6 Span Bridge Public Boat Launch opens this spring, how much will Elkhart County officials charge boaters to use the facility?
Will the launch proceeds go toward future access maintenance — as they should — or will the cash be handed over to the river association as officials have suggested?
Do you think Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels will really return dedicated Lake Enhancement funds he raided from the DNR last year to pad general fund coffers?
Doesn't the EPA understand that more ethanol additives to gasoline threaten the performance of our outboards and small engines?

Could this be the year that fish managers declare Lake Manitou free of hydrilla and open it to year-round boating?
Does the appointment of former Michigan United Conservation Clubs Director Dennis Muchmore as Chief of Staff for newly elected Governor Rick Snyder mean Michigan finally has a governor who is friendly to hunters and anglers?

How many fender benders and heated arguments will arise this year at the poorly redesigned Juno Public Access?
Have Michigan engineers who design public accesses ever launched a boat?

Ice fishing derby

The Chain-O-Lakes Conservation Club will conduct its ice fishing derby Jan. 15. Derby hours are 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. with breakfast and registration at 5 a.m.

Entry fee is $5. For more information, call (574) 232-9063.

Fishing seminars

D&R Sports Center in Kalamazoo will host free fishing seminars at the store this week. Each hour-long program begins at 6:30 p.m.

Wednesday evening, Shaun Olinger will discuss tips and techniques for catching more panfish from area lakes. Thursday, Jonathon VanDam will cover techniques for catching big bass from heavy cover.

On Friday night, Olinger will discuss the basics of archery. He'll cover equipment and techniques for the beginner with emphasis on teaching children.

R&B Bass Circuit

R&B Bass Circuit has set its plans for next season.

Tournament dates are April 17, Manitou Lake; May 15, Lake Maxinkuckee; June 4; Lake Wawasee, July 23, Klinger Lake; Aug. 20, Webster Lake; Sept. 10, Palmer Lake; and Oct. 1 Classic.

Entry Fee is $70 per event with an annual $25 membership fee, all of which goes into the Classic payoff. All entries in the events are paid back in prize winnings.


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