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Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Terra oyster leases Fishing

The Terra oyster leases Fishing

Happy New Year everyone! Two weeks off over Christmas but it wasn’t quite the weather expected. The floods have affected so many people. My partner’s sister’s house in Brisbane went under, a lot of things were lost and almost everything is ruined. Sue, my partner, has been in Brisbane helping since the water started to rise along with thousansds of other Queensland and New South Wales people.

Fishing over the holiday period was either hot or cold. I didn’t travel too far from home and I the fishedTerranora Broadwater day after day, still trying to get the hang of fishing the oyster leases.

I figured it out. As your casts have to be so accurate, that is a centimetre off your target, it has scared me in the past as half the time you’re retrieving your lures from an oyster or some other obstruction.

For some reason last Saturday I was on the money, cast after cast.

The fish were hard to attract as the oysters seem to keep them happy, but I did get on to some nice 25cm-plus models. I gave up the shallow hard bodies and switched to a gulp shrimp soft plastic and went after some lizards.

It was hard work; I kept catching a heap of little ones but eventually came upon a nice panny in amongst the weeds behind Seagulls.
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