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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Easter weekend fishing – Kennick reservoir and the upper Teign

Easter weekend fishing – Kennick reservoir and the upper Teign

Fishing during the Easter weekend was at times challenging. Incredibly gusty wind that couldn’t make up it’s mind which way to blow made for some interesting casting up Kennick Reservoir. I think I set a new PB for losing flies in trees, bracken, goarse and any other fauna that dared sway into back casting range.
In one session myself and Mark caught over 30 fish on a catch and release ticket from a single swim. After the rainbows completely switched off, I decided to see if the fish had moved up in the water. After putting on an intermediate line and a hares ear I cast to a spot where a fish had been rising. After a slow retrieve the line slowly went taught and I was into a fish, a perfect 2lb Kennick Brownie. I would like to say it was down to pure skill and watercraft, in reality it was a bit of an unexpected fluke.
Whoever decided to perform one of the lamest examples of vandalism I have ever witnessed well done, brilliant. I hope you feel awesome about ripping open a ‘catch returns’ lock box as well as chucking a life preserver ring on the floor. Making noises like a chimpanzee while hiding behind a tree will also go down in history as one of the greatest acts of rebellion against fly fishermen.
I unfortunately only managed to squeeze in one upper Teign session (read more here), it is a beautiful place to fish. When fishing well you can really lose yourself in the moment. Waist deep, flicking your line up stream waiting for the lightening bolt of a take. *BOOM* a huge branch hits the water followed by a black Labrador, bugger. I fell in love with my Canon G9 again. Having a compact camera that can take pictures of amazing quality is such a bonus, it fits perfectly in my fishpond chest pack pocket.

Along with my recent aquisition of a Hardy Demon 7 wt rod and my SLA being incredibly difficult to get into the reel seat I decided to take the plunge and get a reel to match. I took a risk and opted for a Hardy Demon 5000 over the 7000. When in the shop the jury was out how much backing I would be able to get on the reel with a Hardy Mach line. When in the shop the ghetto trick of offering up a new fly line doubled over from the packet made it look very tight indeed. Luckily I managed to squeeze around 80 yards of backing onto the spool! It is a very nice set up indeed, the rod as mentioned before fires line effortlessly and the reel is just the icing on the cake. It is such a beautiful piece of kit to handle, use and put away after an excellent day of fishing.

Some pictures, the picture of the brownie was taken with my iphone due to me leaving the SLR on all night :/
Upper Teign - fishing for wild brownies
Hardy Demon 5000 and Hardy Mach line
Upper Teign - fishing for wild brownies
Hardy Demon 5000 and Hardy Mach line
Upper Teign - fishing for wild brownies
Hardy Demon 7 wt
Upper Teign - fishing for wild brownies
Kennick Reservoir trout fishery
Upper Teign - fishing for wild brownies
Kennick Reservoir - relaxing in the sun
Upper Teign - fishing for wild brownies
Kennick Reservoir - Boobies
Upper Teign - fishing for wild brownies
Kennick Reservoir trout fishery
Upper Teign - fishing for wild brownies
Kennick Reservoir - Wild brown trout

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