House committee moves license fee increase bill
OLYMPIA — Legislation to increase hunting and fishing license fees passed out of the House General Government Appropriations and Oversight Committee by a 8-4 vote on Tuesday.
The measure could go on to the Rules Committee or be referred to another House committee, said Kate O'Looney, legislative assistant for the General Government Appropriations and Oversight Committee.
The bill increases revenue from hunting licenses by 7.3 percent and from sport-fishing licenses by 12.6 percent. It shifts revenue from the sale of saltwater, razor clam and shellfish licenses from the state General Fund to the Wildlife Fund.
Also part of the bill is establishment of an application fee of either $70 or $105 for commercial licenses and permits not purchased through the automated licensing system.
The fees for a Columbia River gillnetter would increase from $480 currently to $585.
The fiscal note for HB 1387 predicts it will add $17.6 million to the Wildlife Account in 2011-13 and reduce the General Fund by $2.9 million.
If the bill is passed by the Legislature, the increased fees would begin Sept. 1. The companion measure in the Senate is SB 5385, which has been referred to the Senate Ways and Means Committee.Read More ...
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