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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Indonesia police arrest Malaysian ship

Indonesia police arrest Malaysian ship

[Belawan] Regional Irrigation Directorate of Police of North Sumatra (North Sumatra Ditpolair) arrested two foreign-flagged vessels on the island of Malaysia in Serdang Berhala waters Bedagai (Sergai). Police also secured five suspects allegedly involved in illegal fishing in Indonesian waters.

In these arrests, police seized two trawlers, navigation equipment, a set of tools fishing boats, dozens of tons of fish and other. Together with the results evidence of these crimes, suspects that the majority of countries Thailand Warda was brought to North Sumatera Regional Police Command Headquarters Ditpolair.
"The arrest was carried our officers while performing a series of operations at sea. They do not provide resistance when arrested," said Chief of Police Ditpolair Law Enforcement Section of North Sumatra, Burhan AKBP Deksy to the SP, on Wednesday (16 / 2).

According to Burhan, who arrested the suspects, respectively - each named Mr. Narongsak (43), Sarman (26), Preecha (43), Narong (46) and Bound (30). They were accused of illegal fishing in violation of Article 92, Article 85 of Law - Law (Law) RI of 2009 on amendment of Law No. 31 of 2004 on fisheries.

"The threat of criminal penalties for violations of fish theft is the most severe 8 years in prison. If there is no obstacle then the dossier submitted for examination immediately processed and prosecution by the prosecutor, who then conveyed to the court," he said. [155]

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