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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

April 21- Fisheries council hearing from prosecutor

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The West Hawaii Fisheries Council meets 6:30 p.m. Thursday, April 21 at the Hawaii Big Game Fishing Club at Honokohau Harbor.

The Council will hear, in addition to their regular committee reports, a presentation by Mitch Roth, county Deputy Prosecutor, on the path of enforcement especially pertaining to marine regulations.

Roth will follow the path of apprehension, prosecution and punishment and will explain how our laws work to protect our marine resources.

This presentation is sponsored by the WHFC Enforcement Committee in response to many questions which Council members have expressed.

The mission of the West Hawaii Fisheries Council is to “manage fishery activities to ensure sustainability, enhance near shore resourced, minimize resource depletion and manage conflicts of use.” The council was created under Act 306 by the Hawaii State Legislature to serve as a community source for formulating and recommending West Hawaii fisheries management actions and changes to the Department of Land and Natural Resources’ Division of Aquatic Resources.

Council meetings are open to the general public and, for those wanting to join, applications can be picked up at the Division of Aquatic Resource office at Honokohau Harbor in Kona as well as contacting Marni Herkes at 987-2171 or or Glennon Gingo at 960-9348.


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