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Thursday, April 21, 2011

Creation VS Evolution one Fenomenal?

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Images of human tails and other photographic evidence of natural selection; (genetic mutations).
Human Tails
Photographs of tails on humans, an atavistic trait revealing man's early origins.
Evolution of Leglessness in Snakes Images of transitional snake-like creatures, between legged and leglessness.
...Extra fingers and toes are evidence that mutations can easily produce additions to the body plan.
Human and Dinosaur Footprints
Some desperate creationists insist that there are human footprints mingled with the dino prints. Photographs of the fraudulent impressions and carvings.

Rudimentary Hind Limbs on Whales and Dolphins
Sirenian Evolution (Sea Cow, Manatee, Dugongs)

Creation science and how it differs from legitimate scientific enquiry.
Extinction of Species, and geological charts which show mass extinctions.
Continental Movements
Charts demonstrating drift in continents over geological time.
Strata, The Grand Canyon

Dave E. Matson
B.A., Mathematics, Publisher, Oak Hill Free Press, prolific writer on Creationism and Evolution.
The oldest layers preserve bacteria and colonies of blue-green algae that gave Earth its oxygen. An orderly record of animal and plant evolution unfolds. Artist Jim Thomas explores strata layers in the Canyon, and eco-systems spanning back two billion years.
Syndactyly, Photographs of a genetic mutation that was passed from mother to daughter. As was the case with land mammal to sea mammal webbing on feet to flipper, these are photographs of webbed toes on humans.

Evolution of Whales Hind Limb Buds on Dolphin Embryo Cetacean Evolution (Whales, Porpoises, Dolphins) Whale Origins, J.G.M. Thewissen
Evolution of Whales Evolution of Whales


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