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Sunday, April 10, 2011

Reisa Kartikasari: Decisive Perpetrators of Criminal Acts at Sea

Reisa Kartikasari is environmental campaign
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TRIBUNNEWS.COM, JAKARTA - The extent of territorial waters in Indonesia, the things that need to be observed and addressed. Moreover, nearly 75 percent of Indonesia's sea lane used in a variety of activities, both as cruise lines, transportation to the trade.

In addition, the natural resources contained in the sea of ​​Indonesia, the most sought after and seek the perpetrators of criminal acts at sea. One was the action of Illegal Fishing.

"Sources of marine resources in Indonesia is highly unusual and very beautiful. In addition, biodiversity is unparalleled. For that would need to be maintained and tightened the territorial waters of Indonesia by conducting security patrols both perseorang well together," says Reisa Kartikasari, Princess Indonesian Environment Tribunnews 2010 when found, the region Senayan on Sunday (10/04/2011) morning.
According to him, the need for an awareness of each individuals and institutions to both cultivate the importance of maintaining the sea. "We have to guard it from the hands of ignorant that will damage Indonesia's marine any name and form," says Reisa.

As alluded to widespread acts of illegal fishing (Illegal Fishing) in Indonesian waters by foreign fishermen, Reisa just said. it needs to be addressed and dealt with firmly because it is very detrimental to the nation of Indonesia.

"Problem was, should act firmly on course, because they nyelonong and take the fish that are not in their territorial waters. I think that affirmative action can be a variety of forms," ​​says Reisa is also strongly agree that there is a pattern of cooperation carried out in keeping Bakorkamla sovereign nation. (*)

Author: Faith Suryanto | Editor: Harismanto access via your mobile device via the address
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