Favorite's Captain Fishing Forum Sept. 12, 2011
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Mike McGill caught and released this 44-inch redfish using a live croaker at the mouth of the Mississippi River.
NOAA Fisheries Service Reminds Recreational Fishermen the 2011 Gulf of Mexico Gag Recreational Fishing Season Opens at 12:01 a.m. on September 16, 2011
NOAA Fisheries Service reminds recreational fishermen of the 2011 recreational fishing season put in place through a temporary rule. The rule established a 2011 recreational season for gag that opens at 12:01 a.m. on September 16 and closes at 12:01 a.m. on November 16. The current bag limit of two gag within the four fish aggregate grouper bag limit and the minimum size of 22-inches total length will be in effect during the fishing season.
FWC Proposes Expanding Spotted Seatrout Fishing
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) approved several draft amendments for spotted seatrout regulations on Thursday that would open recreational harvest year-round and expand commercial fishing opportunities.
FWC Proposes Protection for Hammerheads, Tiger Sharks
The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) on Thursday advanced its long-standing policy to protect stressed shark populations in Florida waters. The action came during the second day of its three-day meeting in Naples.
Sharks have been strictly regulated in Florida since 1992, with a one-shark-per-person, two-sharks-per-vessel daily bag limit for all recreational and commercial harvesters; a ban on shark finning; and a prohibition on roughly two dozen overfished, vulnerable or rare shark species
Fishing Report by Capt. Chad Gamble of Hook and Ladder Charters
This week aboard the “Hook and Ladder” has been a mixed bag of catches. Upper Sarasota bay is consistently producing redfish in the 19-25 inch range, trout to 20 inches and some snook in the dink range. The mornings and the late afternoons are still producing the best results especially when combined with a strong moving tide.
Baits of choice have been greenbacks in the two to three inch range. Popping corks have been a staple lately with the high winds preventing the long casts needed to reach the mangrove at higher tide stages. Make sure you are buying the weighted corks when you stock up as the unweighted look just the same and will actually make casting harder.
This past Friday I had a trip with my friends Teri Carr, her daughter Jenelle, and son Anthony. We had a great trip staring out offshore and catching a goliath grouper of about 100 pounds. Anthony did a good job of actually listening to my instructions on how to fight these brutes and whipped this beast in about two minutes. After doing that we decided to go after a little bit different fishing inside the bay for more manageable sized fish. We then continued to catch redfish trout and ladyfish. We ended up back at the dock about an hour before the storms rolled in for a perfect finish. Thanks again guys!!
USCG Captain Chad Gamble
Email at Hookandladdercharters@gmail.com
Call (941) 809-8922
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