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Monday, September 26, 2011

Loch Leven Fishing Report 25th September 2011

Loch Leven Fishing Report 25th September 2011
this blog interest about: fish culture,fishing production,fish market,fishing vessel,fishing boat, tips fishing,fish behavior,fishing news,info and journal fishing tour,fishing game.sea news

Big fish have been making pretty regular appearances in anglers’ returns this past week on Loch Leven. The biggest was a fish caught and released by Robert Pelling who was fishing at the time with Tom Ferguson – the two of them estimated it at around 8 lbs! He caught it using a floating line at the Willows off the south east point of St Serfs on a size 10 Gosling – with a few strands of fraggle fritz mixed through.

Henry Lockhart, fishing with Pete Campbell, had a chunky fish at 5 lbs 3 ozs on a size 10 long shank Dunkeld off Cavelstone Strip – Henry travelled down from Fraserburgh and they braved what turned out to be a very windy day. Finally Stewart Marshall, fishing with the Central Scotland Police AC, had a fabulous basket of 4 fish weighing 13 lbs 12 ozs – the biggest weighed 6 lbs 10 ozs was caught on a size 16 Kate McLaren. ...READ MORE


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