Tyne Fishing Festival Reviews
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THIS Saturday sees the Tyne Fishing Festival on the River Tyne and its tributaries when anglers who have bought into the fishing for the day will be out in force trying to catch Tyne salmon and sea-trout.
One thing is for sure they will never have a better chance of sport than at present provided water levels remain at a sensible height.
Runs of fish continue to pile into the river off every tide.
The event has up to now raised £6687 for the Tyne Rivers Trust.
Sport on the main river has been very good and Bywell continues to have a superb season with many fish caught in recent weeks.
Both the North and South Tyne have also fished very well in recent weeks.
Stillwater trout anglers who fish the Northumbrian Water Reservoirs will be very pleased to hear that the stocked waters are going to get an extra boost in the form of lots of extra fish from their fish farms in addition to the scheduled restocking programme.
The stocking will go on until the end of the season.
The season to date shows fine rod averages at Derwent 2.9, Grassholme 3.2, Fontburn 3.6, Hury 3.5, Kielder Water 2.8 and Scaling Dam 2.7.
As waters are cooling down anglers can expect some very fine trout fishing in the weeks to come.
One youngster who deserves a mention this week is nine-year-old Adam Ivison, as he caught his first ever sea-trout – a huge fish of 11lb taken on a Black and Copper Flying C. He was fishing near Haltwhistle on the South Tyne.
l THERE were lots of winners at the Hirst Park Trout Ticklers Presentation Night on Friday.
Club champion was Kacey O’Grady. Northumbrian Water’s best fly fishing Junior was Mark Durance.
Thornton Steward Felling Fly Fishers Award went to Alfie Comber while year five Champion was Jason McCallum and Jade Dixey was year six Champion.
Top angler in year seven was Harley Dixey and year eight champion was Alfie Comber.
The First School Champion was Lewis Robertson while Kacey O’Grady took the High School Championship.
The club is now embarking on its new programme beginning with a day at Fontburn this Saturday.
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