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Monday, October 17, 2011

Fishing Support for CFP on World Food Day 2011

Fishing Support for CFP on World Food Day 2011

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It is estimated that 928 million people go to bed hungry every night, yet at the same time some 1.6 billion people are considered obese. It is clear we already have problems feeding the 7 billion people living on the planet. With the world's population due to reach 9 billion people by 2050, the enormous challenge will be to feed these people without destroying our fragile environments and ecosystems.

16th October is designated by the United Nations Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO) as World Food Day, the aim of which is to heighten public awareness of the world food problem.

It therefore seemed appropriate to campaign in the middle of Bristol on the reform of the Common Fisheries Policy even though it is just one aspect of the overall problem. According to the United nations, over 70 percent of the world's fisheries are either 'fully exploited', 'over exploited' or 'significantly depleted'. Some species have already been fished to extinction and more are on the verge of extinction. We seem to take, take, take from our oceans in unsustainable quantities. Better management of our oceans is desperately needed, along with more marine reserves to allow our oceans and fish stocks a chance to recover.

Thanks to Wilf, Richard and Alice we got another 35 letters written to David Cameron - some including some poigniant sketches depicting the plight of our fish stocks! See more photos on our new Flickr site. We really appreaciated the time and effort that people took over their messages.

Nearby, local groups were handing out free food and engaging members of the public in discussion about world food problems.... READ MORE


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