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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

coastal fisherman Licenses come in view for

coastal fisherman Licenses come in view for: OCEAN CITY -- A federal law calling for a national database of saltwater anglers is expected to significantly change sports fishing license requirements in Maryland starting Jan. 1. What they mean on the Lower Shore: for the first time, going fishing in most places will require a license.

The new requirements, enacted by the Department of Natural Resources, are part of an initiative by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to gather information on anglers, manage fisheries and monitor populations.

Previously, licenses have been required for those fishing in the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries, but never for those fishing in the near-shore Atlantic Ocean or coastal bays.

Starting next year, anyone wishing to fish in the Atlantic, its coastal bays and its tributaries should plan on paying the annual fee of $15 for residents or $22.50 for non-residents. Those visiting the beach on vacation will have the opportunity to buy a 7-day license costing $6 for in-state residents and $12 for those from out of state.

The non-tidal license is $20.50 for residents, $30.50 for non-residents with no home-state license. Seniors can pay a reduced $5 to get a license good for all fishing statewide.

Maryland is implementing the change in part because federal officials believe more accurate counts of how many people fish will help them prevent any species extinction.

"Marylanders are blessed with exciting, abundant recreational fishing opportunities," said Fisheries Director Tom O'Connell. "These changes will help us gather information critical to managing these fisheries for the long term."

There are exemptions allowing fishermen, in some circumstances, to drop a line without a license. Anyone younger than 16 is in the clear, as are those fishing from a commercial licensed fishing pier or fishing from a licensed charter boat. The state is also designating a few free fishing days each year -- the first two Saturdays in June, and July 4.

For owners of waterfront properties in tidal or salt waters, they and their families can fish on their private properties with a free registration, not


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