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Saturday, December 18, 2010

Fishing in Sabine Lake in Southwest Louisiana

Fishing in Sabine Lake in Southwest Louisiana: Sabine Lake Fishing November 2010 

Sabine Lake Fishing is great. I'm fishing most every day birds, working the north end to black bayou , and to mid lake. The best bite out going tides. Shrimp are coming out of marshes. Trout and red fish under birds. Fishing most 2 to 5 ft water, also in open lake after the tide slows fishing the mussel /shell flats. I'm working baits slow over the shell bottom. Good limits of trout and red fish. Birds working also south end of Sabine Lake. The early morning best bite best. Louisiana shore line is very good sight fishing. Red fish on deep drops has been best bite. Limits of red fish and nice speckled trout 2 to 4 lbs, and drift fishing in 4 to 5ft water. Flounder fishing is at its best. Limits of flounder to 6 lbs fishing Louisiana waters 10 fish per person. Fishing the deep drops and the points flounder holding tight to the bank as the bait is leaving out 2ft to 3ft water. Keying on bait coming up top. Flounder feeding on mullet. find bait and you will find the flounder. Sabine pass channel holding good numbers of trout and flounder. Best bite incoming tides 4 to 10ft water 3/8 jig heads best. Sabine pass jetties fishing is good. Big bull and red fish caught on cut. Bait to 40 inch sheep head and drum fishing good fishing tight on the rocks, also the short rigs good gulf white trout showing up. Nice fish up to 2 lbs. Baits are Brown/lures Down/South Reaction/Stanley Side Winder/ Flounder Pounder/ Fish bites Shrimps Strips. Fish bite X tream Shrimp Terry's Rod N Reel Sonar Shad B Dog Spoons.

Good Fishing.


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