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Thursday, December 16, 2010

Indonesian Water Police Catch Fishermen Vietnam in Natuna waters

Indonesian Water Police Catch Fishermen Vietnam in Natuna waters: Batam ----- Waters Directorate of the Police Patrol Unit arrested Nusantara hundred and fifty seven foreign fishing in Natuna waters from Vietnam by getting caught stealing fish in Indonesian waters. In addition to catch fishermen, water police had arrested sixteen vessels used to catch fish.

Ship commander Bhishma-520 Police, Police Commissioner, Sigit N Hidayat said the company is conducting patrols in the waters of the Natuna. There were two patrol boats that KP.Bisma-520 and KP Starling - 635. On Sunday (12/12/2010) received reports over the radio telling me there is Vietnamese-flagged fishing vessels fishing on the waters Bungaran Island, is 15 miles from the island of Natuna neutical.

Receiving the report, the patrol team headed straight north Matak Island. The report was true. Fishing vessels flying the Vietnamese are conducting fishing activities. Water police approached the ship and check the completeness of the document. However, the skipper did not have any documents, there is even a dead weight vessel 50 GT to 100 GT was using an Indonesian flag to fool the officials. "Immediately we were arrested," said Patrol Commander, Police Commissioner Sigit told on Thursday (16/12/2010).

Vietnamese fishing boats that have captured the 20.550 tons of fish and 50 kg of squid. However, there are ships that have not been charged for illegal fishing .trigger this, it is estimated the country suffered losses worth Rp 11 billion.

Sigit explained that foreign fishermen from Vietnam is in violation of article 104 paragraph (2) of Act RI No. 45 of 2009 on Fisheries, and Article 53 of Republic Act No.9 of 1992 on Immigration. This accusation because the foreign fishermen as required documents include Fishing License, Port Clearance (Sailing Permit), and using the flag of Indonesia. "Fishermen are the network," said Sigit.

Sigit told, it had arrested 40 foreign fishing vessels during the year 2010 with three times making arrests. Unfortunately, the Vietnamese fishermen could not speak Indonesian and English. When questioned about why the media tries to steal the fish in Indonesian waters, Triilong Euit Vail, 23 only shook his head.

According to Sigit not all ships were taken to Batam, some parking in Natuna and involving Water Police Directorate West Kalimantan for further investigation. What is clear, Sigit said the ship's men remained in detention in order to process the investigation is complete.


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