New Jersey Senate votes for creation of free saltwater fishing registry: The state Senate on Monday voted 36-0 to create a free fishing registry for saltwater anglers.
New Jersey anglers would have to pay a $15 fee to join a federal registry starting Jan. 1 unless the state creates its own program.
The bill, already approved in the Assembly, now goes to Gov. Chris Christie. If he signs the bill, the state Department of Environmental Protection would start a program to register saltwater anglers so they can be reached to supply data fishery managers need to make management decisions.
"Now it's time to call Gov. Chris Christie, who pledged no new taxes for New Jersey residents if elected, and urge his support," said Jim Donofrio, executive director of the New Gretna-based Recreational Fishing Alliance.
Some anglers are pushing for a state fee to fund fisheries research. The state DEP, which oversees marine fisheries programs in New Jersey, asked for a fee of $5 per angler annually.
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