Pacific cod, pollock limits increased : The North Pacific Fishery Management Council (NPFMC) has approved its advice for next year´s Bering Sea and Aleutian Islands (BSAI) groundfish total allowable catch limits. The pollock and Pacific cod catch limits have both been ramped up as a result of those stocks´ growth and will come into effect next month.
In the Eastern Bering Sea, the pollock catch limit for 2011 has been upped by 54% from 813,000 tonnes in 2010 to 1,252,000 tonnes, and the Pacific cod catch limit has been raised by 35% to 227,950 tonnes up from 168,780 tonnes.
The total Bering Sea groundfish harvest of all species for 2011 has been set at 1,996,558 tonnes.
Pacific Ocean perch catch limits in the BSAI were set at 24,700 tonnes versus 18,860 tonnes in 2010, but NPFMC shrank the allowable harvest for yellowfin sole and Atka mackerel.
This year, the yellowfin sole commercial fishery was established at 219,000 tonnes, while next year´s will be 196,000 tonnes. While the Atka mackerel allowable harvest for 2010 was 74,000 tonnes, in 2011 it will be down to 53,080 tonnes.
In the Gulf of Alaska, the Council approved a TAC of 96,215 tonnes of pollock, 65,100 tonnes of Pacific cod, 34,317 tonnes of Arrowtooth flounder, 16,997 tonnes of Pacific ocean perch and 11,290 tonnes of sablefish.
These groundfish catch limits are set yearly according to scientific advice from the Alaska Fisheries Science Centre (NOAA), the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) and other agencies and universities, plus the Council’s Scientific and Statistical Committee and Advisory Panel and public testimony.
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