tips tying fishing hooks and sinkers : Sinkers get the bait down to a depth where the fish are biting. Egg or pyramid sinkers are an essential tool in the tackle box when you are bottom fishing for species such as catfish in freshwater or flounder in the sea. Rigging a sinker to a fishing line can be done in two basic ways, either by tying the weight to the very end of the line to hold the bait on the bottom, or tying the weight some distance up the line so the hook and bait below the sinker can flutter freely in the current.
Instructions to tying fishing hooks and sinkers
1. Tie a snap swivel to the end of the main fishing line.
2. Open the snap and place the looped end of a snelled fishing hook on the snap.
3. Place the wire loop on the end of a sinker onto the snap swivel and close the snap. This rigging will hold the bait to the bottom since the weight is only a few inches from the baited hook. Rig the hook with a bait and cast away.
4. Tie a three-way swivel to the end of the main line, for a free-floating rigging.
5. Tie a 12-inch length of fishing line to one of the remaining loops on the three-way swivel, using a clinch knot. Instructions for tying a clinch knot are linked in the reference section.
6. Tie a sinker to the end of the 12-inch length of fishing line using a clinch knot.
7. Tie a leader 2 to 3 feet long to the remaining loop on the three-way swivel.
8. Tie a snap swivel to the end of the leader and attach a snelled hook to the snap. This rigging with the sinker further up the hook will allow the bait, especially live bait such as minnows, to move easily in the water while holding the bait at a fixed position.
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