Using Aquarium Chillers and Aquarium Test Kits advanceMaintenance of an aquarium is not as simple as it may sound to be. However once you get understand the real trick this would turn out to be one of your regular activities. The most common problem which aquarium owners come across is sudden increase in water temperature during summers.
We all are aware of the fact that fishes and other marine organisms come from cold waters and when the fish tanks get heated up suddenly, fishes are the worst sufferers and sometimes they may even end up dying. This is when aquarium chillers come to our rescue.
Aquarium chillers mainly help in maintaining the temperature of fish tanks. Although these have been in existence for quite sometime now, they have gained popularity in the recent years along with the increasing aquarium hobby among people. Aquarium chillers are rated based on their horsepower and British Thermal Units. Chillers available in the market can be categorised into two kinds- drop in and inline chillers.
Drop-ins aquarium chillers come with a cooling coil that can be placed inside the sump. The main advantage of drop-ins is that you do not need any plumbing activity to be taken up and at the same time do not require any separate pump for getting the water from the aquarium to the chillers. However this model is not in much use nowadays.
Inline aquarium chillers on the other hand are in much demand and they require a pump along with flexible tubing for running water back and forth from the tank to the chillers.
Along with aquarium chillers, use of aquarium test kits can further simplify your task of maintaining aquarium. Different kinds of test kits are exclusively manufactured for freshwater and saltwater aquariums. However the benefits you derive from using them differ. Fresh water aquarium test kits are designed for maintaining the PH levels, ammonium levels and nitrite and nitrate levels in the water.
Saltwater aquarium test kits on the other hand are designed to measure various components of water while maintaining the saline levels in water. In fact various kinds of aquarium test kits have been introduced to help you test water parameters of your aquarium. Some of the most popular varieties include:
Master aquarium test kits: This is an all in one test kit that allows you to test all the parameters of your aquarium.
Reef master test kit- this model lets you test PH, phosphate, alkalinity, nitrate and calcium levels of water.
Fresh water master test kit on the other hand lets you measure PH, alkalinity, ammonium, nitrate and nitrate.
The procedure for using these test kits is also pretty simple. All you need to do is just fill the tube with water and add a chemical. This would result in color change and the same has to be checked against the color chart in the test kit. Depending on the coloryou would need to take required steps.
Aquarium test kits are highly efficient and work on the same colorprincipal however you need to replace these stickers once in six months.
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