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Thursday, December 30, 2010

Weekend weather doesn't look good for anglers

Weekend weather doesn't look good for anglers

THIBODAUX — Fishing in the area has been good, but bad weather may keep anglers off the waters this weekend.

“They give a lot of rain,” Gary Callais of T-Pops Mart in Golden Meadow said. “The fishing has been great. I guess it all depends on the weather.” According to the National Weather Service, much of south Louisiana has more than a 50 percent chance of rain forecast through Friday night, and at least a 20 percent chance of rain forecast through Sunday.

Melissa Fanguy of Captain Allen’s Bait and Tackle in Houma said the weather will be “yucky” this weekend, but if by chance the forecast is wrong, fishing should be good. “Because the tide is going to be up because of (the temperature) warming up,” Fanguy said ,Gail Hayes, owner of Gail’s Bait Shop in Golden Meadow, said the same thing as Fanguy. “I know they’re giving more bad weather to come through,” Hayes said, “but if it doesn’t happen, and they go fishing, I think they’ll do pretty good.”


Good fishing

Anglers are catching redfish and speckled trout throughout the area, according to Hayes. “We’ve been hearing a lot of redfish,” she said. “I have one speck report coming from the Leeville area.” Best spots: Out of Bayou Lafourche and ponds off of Hwy. 1 for redfish. Boat graveyard on the eastside of Leeville, sulpher mines and Catfish Lake for speckled trout. Best baits: Cocahoe minnows and market shrimp along the bottom for redfish. Under a cork with cocahoes for speckled trout.


Good fishing

Other than rainy weather disrupting fishermen, anglers have done well here.
“Pretty much all over it’s been great,” Callais said. “Redfishing and trout fishing have been spread out all over. This is the time of the year if the weather permits.”
Callais said the good fishing should continue for the next couple of months.
“If you really don’t get no good cold weather, this should be good through the month of January through the middle of February,” he said.
Best spots: Leeville and sulpher mines.
Best baits: Plastics and live minnows for “good-sized trout.” Bait shrimp for redfish.


Good fishing

Fanguy said they have been busy at Captain Allen’s Bait and Tackle because the fishing has been so good. “Montegut is the hot spot right now,” she said. “And the levee in Pointe-aux-Chenes.”
Best baits: Sparkle beetles and anything chartreuse colored.
Best spots: Montegut and levees in Pointe-aux-Chenes

Poor fishing

Bobby Breaux of Bob’s Bayou Black Marina posted Dec. 5 on his website — — that many fishermen have not returned to the area since hunting season is still going on. Also, the fish are moving from the summer patterns to the spawning patterns. On Wednesday, Breaux said that report hasn’t changed. Pretty much all over it’s been great,” Callais said. “Redfishing and trout fishing have been spread out all over. This is the time of the year if the weather permits.” Callais said the good fishing should continue for the next couple of months. “If you really don’t get no good cold weather, this should be good through the month of January through the middle of February,” he said.

Best spots: Leeville and sulpher mines.
Best baits: Plastics and live minnows for “good-sized trout.” Bait shrimp for redfish.


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