Fishing pole fishing business profit
Starting from the hobby of fish in the sea, Maman Kusmana eventually open a business selling fishing equipment. The reason, more and more people are infatuated with fishing activities, both in the sea, lakes, rivers, and ponds.
By holding three of his siblings, in 1992, Maman founded the business of selling fishing equipment for salt water, freshwater, and brackish, with a flag Sohor Group Fishing in front of the fish market Cisaat, Sukabumi, West Java.
Initially, "We only sell fish bait and fishing equipment of production itself, just four years ago selling fishing equipment imports, such as fishing reel, fishing rod, hook and eye," said Marketing Manager Sohor Group Ilham Cahya Lukmana.
Sohor Group made products, for example, bait fish flour, fiber and bamboo fishing rod, float fishing rods, bait and scent stimulus. All raw materials from Sukabumi.
Meanwhile, fishing equipment imported from China. However, "Most consumer products purchased are locally made, reaching 70% of total sales Sohor Group," said Ilham.
Buyer Sohor Group, Ilham said, not only from Sukabumi and surrounding areas. But also from cities in Java and outside Java, including Papua. "The biggest consumers of Sumatra and Java, most buyers are store fishing pole," he said.
For those who want to open a business selling fishing equipment, Sohor Group offers four packages partnership. Yes something like a franchise system.
The first package, neither the sample is worth USD 5 million. This package is specifically for people who still want to see the potential early market before opening a business a bigger fishing pole.
Or A second package worth USD 25 million. This package requires a place of business with the size 3 x 4 meters. For those who have a broader business premises, 4 x 6 meters, the third packet or B with a value of USD 50 million could be an option.
The fourth package or D of the most expensive, at $ 75 million for a place of business for selling measuring 6 x 8 meters.
Not just ordering in bulk, Sohor Group also serves the retail purchase. Requirement is a minimum purchase of Rp 100,000.
Within a day, Sohor Group received five-scale wholesale purchases. And, every month there are enthusiasts who buy the package. "Most took the package USD 25 million," said Ilham. Currently, there are three people who want to open a fishing equipment business, one from Bengkulu.
From the sale of a package, wholesale, and retail, Ilham said, Sohor Group can reap a turnover up to USD 300 million per month. The biggest revenue comes from sales of the package. "Can 80% of total turnover," he said.
Just like Maman, Muhammad Naseh also pioneering efforts flagged fishing tools Al-Mutaqien in 2004 from his hobby of fishing.
Naseh sell a complete suite of tools consisting of fishing rod, fishing reel, and the strings are much cheaper than other stores, a set of only Rp 50,000 only. "The share market is intended for middle to lower," he said.
Competitive pricing makes his shop located in Ciledug, Banten crowded disambangi buyers. Not just from around the region, but also from Joglo, Pondok Aren, and Serpong. In fact, his store became the first reference Ciledug residents to shop fishing equipment.
Turnover per month pretty big, about USD 15 million. "Buyer's most crowded on weekends and long holidays," said Naseh.
Compared to 2009, in 2010 and an increase in turnover by 20%. The improvement is, Naseh said, because fishing trends on the rise again. "One of the causes, events fishing on private television station," said Naseh.
Ray, fishing equipment shop in Malang, East Java, also a favorite place for anglers. "Our buyers come from Surabaya and Lamongan, also some from outside Java, such as Kalimantan and Bali," said Satya Jaya, owner of the Rays who stood since 10 years ago.
To market it, Satya rely internet as a media campaign. "Also from mouth to mouth of the angler," Satya said that in a month can be pocketed turnover of USD 50 million.
According to Satya, fishing tools in his shop in demand will quickly be bought when the rainy season. At that time, a ordered a fishing pole more wholesale than retail buyers.
That is why, Ilham added, business opportunities selling fishing tools are very promising. You see, the "Seller fishing pole in Indonesia is still small, but high demand because more and more people who like fishing," said Ilham.
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