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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The anglers want larger portion of B.C.'s fish limits on halibut quota 2011

The anglers want larger portion of B.C.'s fish limits on halibut quota 2011

Fisheries and Oceans Canada could put an early end to recreational fishing season
Derek Spalding, Daily News
Published: Tuesday, January 04, 2011

The recreational fishing industry on B.C.'s coast stands to lose millions of dollars if the limits on halibut quotas are reduced and the 2011 season is shortened.

This year's sport fishery for halibut could end as early as mid-July, according to speculation from members of the mid-Island branch of the B.C. Coalition of Salt Water Anglers, who will hold a town hall meeting in Nanaimo on Jan. 18 to discuss the issue.

Commercial fishing boats dominate the industry with the recreational sector having access to just 12% of fish as outlined in the current halibut treaty created by the federal government in 2003. The department of Fisheries and Oceans Canada handed out about 430 licences to commercial boats, which share up to 88% of the fish stock. This season will be the third time in recent years that the recreational fishing season will close early.
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Owners of charter fishing companies say another shortened season will have a significant impact on the province's approximate $650-million tidal sport fishing industry.

"We were told that sport fishermen would never lose a day of fishing," said Gerry Rupp, owner of Invictus Charters. "We've already had two seasons end early with a third on its way. This latest agreement is not working and it's only getting worse."

A mid-July closure to the season would hit during the height of fishing season and could harm many businesses, Rupp explained. With no word from DFO about when the season will open or close, business owners are turning business away. They cannot book summer tours, if the season closes early.

"This will impact a lot of people," said Paul Rickard of the B.C. Wildlife Federation. "Guides need to advertise and book people ahead of time."

Nanaimo-Alberni MP James Lunney had little comment about the issue. He said he submitted some "very strong" recommendations to DFO Minister Gail Shea. He will look into the matter more next week.

The mid-Island branch of the B.C. Coalition of Salt Water Anglers will hold its Jan. 18 town hall meeting at 7 p.m. at Beban Auditorium.


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