The total catch of ocean fish increased from 18.5 million metric tonnes in 1950 to 73.5 million metric tonnes in 1996, an increase of close to 400%. The rapid increase in catch began to level off in the 70's and the catch per capita peaked at 14.4 kg per person per year. The total fish harvest has continued to increase, due to the increase in fish farm production, however, there are limitations on that source also. While researcher do not agree on the ultimate upper limit of harvest, it seems clear both from the actual catch, and the evidence of overfishing in individual species that we are very near that limit if we have not already passed it. Looking at individual species, 69% are considered to be either fully exploited or over exploited and on the decline. Only 9% are considered to have potential for increased fishing. Some species have declined dramatically, the Atlantic Cod in particular, but the stocks of many high value groundfish have decreased by 70 to 80 % in the last 20 years. To keep production up, there has been an increase in fishing for lower value fish, and fish from more distant oceans. Fish landings in the Northwest Atlantic have decreased by 36.6% since 1970, while the landings in the Southwest pacific, and East Indian Oceans have increased by 800 % and 312% respectively, however, these areas are now fully exploited and can no longer be counted on to counter balance the loss of production in traditionally fished areas. (Garcia & Newton)
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Marine Sector
E s t ima t i on o f ma r ine f i s h p r o duc t i on: The marine
fish landings in India during 2002-2003 was estimated at
2.64 million tonnes, which is 0.314 million tonnes
(13.5%) higher than that of the previous year. The
increase was primarily due to enhanced catches of sharks,
oil sardines, Bombay duck, ribbonfishes, carangids, seer
fishes, tunas
Freshwater Aquaculture
Ha t c h e r y s e e d p r o duc t i on o f f r e s hwa t e r P r awn in
inl and s a l ine wa t e r : The giant prawn popularly known
as ‘Scampi’ is migratory and completes its life cycle in
both fresh and coastal seawater. Seed production was done
successfully in freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium
rosenbergii) reads here:
Regional review on livestock-fish production systems in Asia
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