all about best area for spring chinnok fishery and fishing april 2011
Spring chinook anglers will get five more days to fish the Lower Columbia River
Washington and Oregon Fish and Wildlife managers have decided to extend the Lower Columbia River spring chinook sport fishery to remain open through Tuesday, April 19, and then the season will come to an end.
Washington and Oregon fisheries managers will meet on Wednesday, April 20 to discuss spring chinook fisheries above Bonneville Dam.
Here is the update from the compact more
Staff recommends Lower Columbia spring chinook fishery to stay open longer
Washington and Oregon Fish and Wildlife managers are still meeting as we speak, but the staff has made a recommendation to extend the Lower Columbia River spring chinook sport fishery to remain open through April 22.
I'll let you know once the word is official so stay tuned...
In the meantime:
From April 8-10 there were an estimated 7,400 angler trips with 665 spring chinook (513 kept and 152 released) and 201 steelhead handled.
For the season thru April 10, there have been an estimated 90,000 angler trips with 5,023 adult spring chinook kept and 1,485 released.
Effort was still pretty low during the first week of April with just over 700 boats and nearly 850 bank anglers counted during the Saturday, April 9 aerial flight count. Last year at this time (Saturday, April 10) there were 2,300 salmon more
Strong Sacramento River fall chinook run will boost fisheries off northern California and Oregon
The Pacific Fishery Management Council wrapped up their salmon fishing season setting meeting on Wednesday, April 14, and while I ran plenty of information about the Washington scene I wanted to make sure that others know what happened in Oregon and California as well.
"We are pleased to see that Sacramento River fall chinook salmon have rebounded nicely for California and Oregon fisheries and we will continue to enjoy good salmon opportunities off the Washington coast this summer," Mark Cedergreen, PFMC Council Chairman and president of the Westport Charterboat Association said in a news release.
Greatly improved abundance of Sacramento River fall chinook will fuel the first substantial ocean salmon fisheries off California and Oregon since 2007.
All salmon fisheries south of Cape Falcon are supported by Sacramento River fall chinook returns which had been a bust in recent more
Portions of the Snake River opening soon for spring chinook
The spring chinook fishery for three portions of the Snake River was finlaized, and the area below Ice Harbor will open April 20 through May 31.
Two other sections of the river, one near Little Goose Dam and the other near Clarkston will follow by opening April 25 through May 31.
The daily catch limit for most of these areas is two hatchery-reared chinook marked with a clipped adipose fin and four hatchery jacks, measuring less than 24 inches.
The exception is the area along the south shoreline of Little Goose Dam upstream to the juvenile-bypass return pipe, where anglers may retain only one adult chinook and one jack per day. Anglers fishing in that area must stop fishing for the day once they catch and keep one adult spring chinook.
Anglers must use barbless hooks and release all more
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