Gahirmatha (Orissa), Feb 5 (ANI): Authorities in Orissa imposed a ban on fishing activities near world's largest sea turtle nestling grounds.
Every year during winter, Olive Ridley turtles, an endangered species move in large synchronised concentrations to three major nestling sites along the Orissa coast by the Bay of Bengal, considered one of the world's major nestling grounds. After the young ones are hatched, the turtles return to the sea.
The benign creatures swim up to the shores and swarm the sandy nestling grounds near the mouth of the Rushikulya river only to be butchered by illegal fishing trailers.
The state authorities have declared the whole nestling area a marine sanctuary and have banned mechanised trawlers in the area. Besides it is also urging local fishermen to include Turtle Excluding Devices (TED) in their fishing equipment.
The entire stretch of the Gahirmatha marine sanctuary beach has been divided into segments and is manned to prevent any harm either from animals or humans.....reads more
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