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Friday, December 9, 2011

IFT Catfish – Final 2011 Indonesia

IFT Catfish – Final 2011 Indonesia

this blog interest about: fish culture, fishing sport, fish production, fish market, fishing vessel, fishing boat, tips fishing,fish behavior, fishing news, info and journal fishing tour, fishing game, sea environtmen, fish news

IFT Fishing - At the end of 2011 this IFT held a fishing competition again, this time is galatama catfish fishing competition to be held on Sunday 18 December 2011 on a swimming Tambok Lobu. Catfish IFT race is the last race of the entire series of competitions that are held by IFT in 2011. Starting from the sea tournament competitions, galatama goldfish, goldfish daily competitions and the last is galatama catfish.

And for those of you in particular IFT Member card holders do not miss the race this one because in addition to the grand prize of millions of dollars, you also have the opportunity to get doorprise fishing tools. In addition, each participant also received t-shirts, snacks, dinner and souvenirs from the sponsors for free.

IFT Catfish - FINAL 2011
Day / date: Sunday, December 18, 2011
Time: 14:00 to 19:00 pm
Venue: Outdoor Tambok Lobu
Tickets: Rp. 500.000/lapak
Composition Prize
Winner of the Parent Heaviest 1 Rp. 6 million + Trophy
Parent champion Toughest 2 Rp. 3 million + Trophy
Heaviest Mother Champion 3 USD. 1.5 million + Trophy
Parent champion Toughest 4 Rp. 1,000,000 + Trophy
Champion Total Most Rp. 1,000,000 + Trophy
Champion Session 1 (2 hours early) Rp. Rp 500,000 for the Caddy. 250 000
Champion Session 2 (2-hour second) Rp. Rp 500,000 for the Caddy. 250 000

TOOLS DOORPRISE fishing Rp. 3 million

Competition Terms and Conditions:

Participants are Permanent Member IFT
Parent champion Toughest 1-4
Champion Total Most are champion by the total number of fish raised at most
Winner of the Champion Parent Session Toughest for the first 2 hours
Winner of the Parent Session 2 is the Toughest Champion for the second at 2 hours
Each stall a person and use a fishing rod
Hook which may be used is the branch of a
Bait is allowed is the sago and pellets
Prohibited uses bulging tin / tin timber or false
Required to use bumpers or tin
Tin standard used is no.4
Fishing is strictly prohibited without the use of bait
Strictly prohibited fishing by hook the fish from the pond
Respect your fellow anglers and uphold sportsmanship
If anglers violating provisions of the above then subjected to several actions, among others; disqualified, given a warning or reprimand, prohibited fishing diving a month (anglers and caddy)
Other provisions follow the rules that apply in the pool
Race committee's decision is final and no inviolable adpat
Race registration directly to IFT and can also through the showroom ARP and DP
Race registration closes one week before or after the stall is full... READ MORE


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