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Friday, April 15, 2011

fish oil omega 3 for best health benefits

fish oil omega 3 for best health benefits

Find out more about omega 3 fish oil. Then you’ll know why YOU need it.

Let’s face it, when it comes to health claims, most things are pure hype. It’s very rare indeed when something actually lives up to the hype or exposure it gets in the media. In fact, in our years as health researchers, omega 3 fatty acids may be the only thing that deserves all the praise heaped upon it.....more

Over 100 million Americans have high cholesterol, yet many of these individuals can make simple lifestyle changes to improve these levels. You may have heard that taking fish oil with omega-3s can help, but is that REALLY true? First, let’s talk about some important facts about cholesterol and risk factors. Cholesterol Basics High cholesterol is .... read more

The Healthy Benefits of Fish Oil
One of the primary reasons we are told to stay away from fast food is because of those deep-fat-fried potatoes. The oil. One of the primary reasons we are told to steam, poach, bake and grill our foods is to stay away from the butters and lards and, you guessed it, the oil. Why, then, are we told that fish oil is good for us?

To someone who doesn’t yet know the difference in fats, it can all seem a bit confusing. Steer clear of that vegetable oil and butter, but make sure to use olive oil and to get some fish oil. It seems a bit contradictory.

But the science behind it is completely sound. Some fats are bad, others are good. That’s just the way health works. While trans fats and saturated fats are bad for you body in numerous ways, fats that you will find in fish, like omega-3 fatty acids, actually have numerous health benefits...more reads


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